Deniz of Izmir -- Turkey, 23.08.1983.
Got Bachelor and MSc degree of Mathematical Physics in the Physics Department at Ege University, Turkey. Then the journey continued in Berlin. While studying for PhD of Theoretical Physics at Humboldt University Berlin, under supervision of Prof. Juergen Kurths, worked as a researcher in Research Domain IV: Transdisciplinary Concepts & Methods at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Then I got my first postdoc position in Mathematics Department -- University of Sao Paulo (working with Prof. Tiago Pereira) and DynamIC Group, Mathematics Department -- Imperial College London (working with Prof. Jeroen Lamb).
After one year in London (city of punks!), I was back in Berlin (city of hippies!) to work in Cardiovascular Physics at the Department of Physics of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
I lived in Chicago (the windy city and blues), USA, and worked at Department of Physics and Astronomy at Northwestern University with Prof. Adilson Motter.
Currently, I am working at Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of Kadir Has University. I am also leading Network-Oriented Dynamics and Data Science [NODDS] research group.